[Electronic Hardware and Software Design Solutions]

Welcome to the Idea Consulting Web Site. Idea Consulting provides electronic hardware and software design expertise to clients in the Silicon Valley and beyond. Let us help you achieve Rev 1 success with your next project. We'll do the heavy lifting.

What can we do for you? Click here to find out more about Idea Consulting.


The Design Process - Choosing Components. There is more to selecting components than opening a databook, much more...

Robust synchronous state machine design in Verilog. A method of state-machine design which produces glitch-free outputs yet is extremely simple to code.

Advice from the trenches. The Three Ps for Printed Circuit Board design success.


Try our javascript-based Stripline Trace Impedance Calculator or for those high-speed diff-pairs try the Differential Stripline Impedance Calculator. Calculations are based on the original research papers, not the simplistic formulas commonly found today.

Our Electronic Resources Directory provides fast access to the websites of a variety of Electronic Component manufacturers, CAD tool vendors & standards organizations.

Need to convert that PCB design output to AutoCAD format for archiving or viewing? Check out our HPGL to DXF file conversion utility.

Email us with questions, comments or suggestions. We would love to hear from you.

Idea Consulting
121 Cayuga Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
Voice (831) 426-4351
FAX (831) 426-0490